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The Company

MACHINE SHOP The company started off as a machine shop. Over the years it developed into an enterprise that was perfectly in tune with the present, but with a pronounced futuristic outlook. The company has been around for a long time. In fact we need to go as far back as the nineteenth century to trace the company’s origins. A family-run machine shop. But one that was headed down the entrepreneurial path, as it focused on research and development. It evolved in line with work needs and market requirements. All the while gaining experience and know-how. And it grew. Consistently.

BASSO TULLIO S.N.C. 1985 saw a jump in quality. The company was renamed as Basso Tullio s.n.c. and ventured even further into the future. Its production range increased: on the one hand they produced machinery for cutting marble and granite, and on the other elastomers. Two activities which often cross paths and find common points of application.


di Paolo Basso

Via M. Cardina, 32 – 36071 Arzignano

Tel. 0444.670218
Fax 0444.670218

C.F./P.I. 01801680248

E-mail: info@bassotullio.com